Koh Samui flights are having narrow selection of routes, as well as prices are not so cheap, especially if to compare to AirAsia flight costs. You can buy ticket for around 120eur one-way for an hour flight from Samui to Bangkok, and sometimes this price is not an option.
There is a better way to travel from Samui to anywhere else. Just take ferry from an island to Donsak - for example Raja Ferry or Seatran Ferry operators. They have different schedules, so just check and pick the most convenient for you.
Our ferry tickets were 130thb each, and transfer/taxi to the pier around 700thb (yes, taxi is not cheap on Samui at all). We also made a pre-booking of transfer from Donsak to Surat Thani airport, cost was around 250thb per person - they gave us receipt and a sticker. You put this sticker on your t-shirt, and a person reliable to meet you will guide you in which bus to proceed. Really well-organized.
Depending on the way you go, there are many transfer options from Donsak to Surat Thani airport, to Krabi, to Bangkok, and so on. The bus to Surat Thani airport takes around an hour, and we arrived on time. We were heading to Kuala Lumpur first, had an hour connection at the airport and then flight to Bali. Be confidentto have enough time between connecting flights, as you will need to pass the immigration/visa on arrival procedure, grab your luggage (if you have it!), drop your luggage again and then can relax waiting for a flight :)
Kuala Lumpur airport has changed a lot since last time I was there - many cafes, shops and boutiques - you will find what to do if will be having a longer connection for sure. And be sure to check special promotions AirAsia has, sometimes they have really cool deals and you can spontaneously go exploring the new part of Asia (do not forget to check visa requirements for your passport ofc).
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